Parents » Parent Corner

Parent Corner

Welcome to Point Fermin Marine Science STEAM Magnet

We are delighted to welcome you to our school.  Our parents are a critical component of making school a positive dynamic place for your child.  Much research points to the fact that having an involved parent can exponentially improve student achievement in school.  We welcome your participation at Point Fermin MSS Magnet and we encourage you to join us as a volunteer.  When we work together we can provide the highest quality education for all of our students.  

There are many ways for you to become involved in our school community.  We encourage you to attend our parent workshops, celebrations, and parent conferences so you are informed about your child's effort, behaviors, and achievement and are well equipped to  support your child's growth and success.  You may want to join and volunteer with one of these parent groups:  School Site Council (SSC), Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).  School volunteers must apply and meet basic health and safety requirements to ensure the well-being of all students and staff.  To apply online click -------> VOLUNTEER APPLICATION HERE.  Or come by the office for help in applying. 

Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Parent / Student Handbook 2021-2022

Reading Resources For Students

Students need to read thoughtfully and often  We encourage students to read for 30 minutes or more every day.  Try these web resources for links to electronic books and articles to increase your child's reading motivation, stamina and volume. 

Los Angeles Public Library

News ELA (You'll need to sign up, but it is free!) 

Teaching Kids News


Learn Zillion (You'll need to create a free account.)

Epic  (This is a paid site, but you can get a month for free. Check with your teacher to see if s/he has a log in.)

Gifted & Talented Resources

Parent Student Handbook